…it shouldn’t even be a question anymore. We’ve talked a bit in previous posts about how to stage a home to sell and why it’s important to do so, but today, we’d like to talk numbers.

Recently, the National Association of Realtors released their 2015 Profile of Home Staging. The profile includes statistics on staging and how it does or does not help a home sell.
According to NAR’s research, the majority of buyers’ agents believe that staging has a positive effect on their buyers’ views of the homes they view. 49% of buyers' agents surveyed say that staging affects most homebuyers; 47% say it affects some buyers; and a mere 4% say staging has no impact on buyers at all.
buyers affected by staging
Though the research shows that nearly half of all buyers’ agents believe that staging is beneficial, a surprising number of sellers’ agents do not stage their listings. 44% of sellers’ agents only suggest that their sellers declutter and fix any property faults that may exist. 34% stage all homes they list; 13% only stage homes that are difficult to sell; 5% do not stage any homes at all; and 4% only stage homes in high price brackets.
sellers staging
While buyers' and sellers' agents seem to disagree somewhat on the importance of home staging, there is one area they agree on. Buyers and sellers were asked to rank the importance of rooms to be staged, and interestingly enough, their lists were identical. According to both sides, the most important rooms to stage, in order of importance, are:
1. Living Room
2. Kitchen
3. Master Bedroom
4. Dining Room
5. Bathroom
6. Children's Bedroom
7. Guest Bedroom
What do you think of these statistics? Do you agree that home staging is important when it comes to attracting buyers? What impact has staging had on you as a buyer or a seller? Tell us in the comments section below!
*Statistics taken from the National Association of Realtor's 2015 Profile of Home Staging
**Graphics by Johnson & Wilson Real Estate Company


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